Drug Screen
A DOT drug screen tests a specimen for five drugs—
opiates, PCP, amphetamines/ methamphetamines,
marijuana and cocaine. A DOT-approved chain-ofcustody
form is used during the collection process, and a split sample is collected and both specimens are forwarded to the laboratory for testing. Once the laboratory completes the testing process, the results are forwarded to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) for review. Following the MRO’s review,
results are reported to the designated reporting agency.

Drug Screen – Non DOT – FCWP
A non-DOT drug screen can test for the same range of drugs as the 5-panel DOT screen. It can be expanded into a 10-panel drug screen by testing for the above five drugs and adding barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methadone, methaqualone and propoxyphene. A urine alcohol (ethyl) screen can be added to either panel if desired.


GC/MS testing is considered to be the most definitive method for confirming the presence of a detected substance in urine. GC/MS is used to confirm test results that indicate any level of a controlled substance. When a laboratory suspects adulterants, dilution or other sample abnormality, GC/MS will identify the exact chemical compounds present in suspicious samples.


Post– Accident Testing
This refers to testing an employee who is involved in an on-the-job accident (vehicular or otherwise) that may have involved human error and may have caused a fatality, serious injury, or significant property damage.

Return To Duty Testing
Employees returning from a leave of absence for sickness or injury exceeding a given number of days can be required to submit and successfully pass a drug and/ or alcohol test as a condition of reinstatement.


Pre-Employment Testing
A candidate for employment must pass the drug and/ or alcohol test as a condition of employment. Testing can be performed as part of the application process: (1) before an offer of employment is made, (2) as a part of the hiring process after an offer of employment is made but before the employee commences work, or (3) shortly after the individual begins work but continued employment is contingent upon successful completion of the drug and/or alcohol test.


Random Testing
Random testing means the employees are chosen on a “neutral selection” basis without advance notice. True random testing is conducted by pooling a selected amount of numbers determined by the client from the total number of qualified participants’ numbers in the random pool.

Reasonable Suspicion Cause Testing
The “cause” required is an objective, factual, individualized basis for testing, such as when an employee’s observed behavior or physical appearance suggests drug and/or alcohol use or possession of drugs and/or alcohol.


5131 S. Florida Avenue, Suite 2
Lakeland FL 33813 

Toll Free: +1 (877) 935-0777

Email: tx@targettesting.com
Phone: +1 (863) 701-0777
Fax: +1 (863)701-0888



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